Past Lectures

  • “The Last Noble Protest”: The American Labor Movement in the Industrial Age

  • "The Weight of Civilization": The Art and History of Sicily-

  • The Creation of the American Century: The Global Emergence of the US, 1890-1919

  • The World Transformed: War, Revolution, and Global Pandemic, 1918

  • American Cathedrals: Baseball, Ball Parks, and the Changing Shape of America’s Cities

  • The Space Race: The US, the USSR, and the Quest to Conquer the Cosmos

  • "Mightier than the Sword": A Brief History of American Political Cartoons

  • “This Royal Throne of Kings”: English Monarchs from the Norman Conquest to the 21st Century

  • Art in the Age of Revolution, 1789-1914

  • Forgotten Patriots: Little Known Heroes of the American Revolution

  • Presidential Losers: Unsuccessful Candidates for the Land’s Highest Office

  • 1968: Politics, Protest, and Turmoil

  • The Emperor: Europe in the Age of Napoleon

  • John and Abigail: A Love Story

  • "Yearning to Breathe Free": A Brief History of American Immigration, 1886-1954

  • The Harlem Renaissance and the Jazz Age

  • The Roaring Twenties: America in the Age of Jazz and Prohibition

  • Riding the Post Road: Travel Adventures in Colonial New England

  • A Divided World: The Cold War, 1945-1991

  • Foreign Patriots: European Volunteers in the American Revolution

  • American Architecture from 1945- A Three Part Series

  • Manifest Destiny and the Conquest of a Continent

  • "The Fictions of Slander": The Scandalous Adventures of Aaron Burr

  • In Darkness and in Light: The Life and Art of Caravaggio

  • "…Like a Mighty Stream:" The Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968

  • China and the West: The Decline of the Celestial Empire, 1830-1911

  • The Collision of Empires: France and Britain in North America, 1753-1763

  • A Ferocious Tenacity: The Saga of Ireland

  • The Indestructible Soul: A Brief History of Poland

  • “The Times that Try Men’s Souls”: The Road to Revolution, 1763-1776

  • “We the People:” Forging a New Nation, 1787-1788

  • The White City: Olmsted, Tesla, and the Invention of the Modern World

  • Mr. Madison's War: The US, Britain, and the War of 1812

  • Angels of the Battlefield: Women and War in the 19th Century

  • Vampires, Madmen, and Monsters: the History Behind Our Favorite Tales of Horror

  • The Renaissance

  • From the Bastille to Waterloo: The Story of the French Revolution

  • La Forza del Destino: The Story of Italian Unification

  • "Every other house a tavern": Society, Drink, and Revolution in Colonial New England

  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic

  • The Failure of Peace: Versailles, the League, and the Road to War, 1919-1941

  • The Grand Tour: A Virtual Voyage

  • Sam Colt: American Legend

  • ​Eternal: the Architectural Grandeur of Rome

  • Statue of Liberty

  • The Crisis of the 14th century and the remaking of Western Civilization

  • The End of Old Europe: War, Revolution, and the Collapse of European Monarchy

  • The One Termers

  • The Great Game: Russia and the West in the 19th Century

  • The Conquests: Norman Adventures in Western Europe, 1000-1300

  • The Palace of the Sun King: Art and Power at Versailles

  • The Eternal State: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire, 1299-1683

  • The Movable Feast: A History of Paris

  • The Tudors

A Selection of